"To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you. "
Tony Dorsett.
What is a Gold Goal Card ?
Imagine waking up living your dream life, with your idea unfolded and goal met…
It can all start right now !!
Ready to Release your old patterns and obstacles around abundance, dreams and worthiness – Want to live the life you’ve always dreamed of. Let’s make it happen. Your “Gold Goal Card” can act as your Gold Credit Card to achieve your very own personalized, goals, dreams – no limits have to be placed on this “Gold Goal Card”
The Objective of the Gold Goal Card Is.
The GOLD GOAL CARD is even better than setting your goal in stone… Imagine having your goals engraved on a Gold Card instead of a piece of paper – it feels luxurious and beautiful, this alters your vibration and your mental state when you hold it in your hand. It will allow you to consciously and subconsciously step into the reality you want to experience… and it flavours your thoughts, feelings and actions that you will take throughout the day, each and every day. That lofty goal of yours instantly becomes tangible. This precious Gold Goal Card will be a treasured reminder of what you want and can have, keep it safe and with you, it’s very private and truly yours.
How do I Order One?
It is so darn easy to order your Gold Goal card – simply complete the form below. – You will want to give some thought to your “Gold Goal’. It’s the one that could be exciting and fearful at the same time, it could make you question its attainment – NO NEED TO KNOW THE “HOW” – do yourself a favour, write out that Gold Goal, order the card, and with your focused action, watch how the Universe starts to send everything you need your way. No, it’s not magic, but it will certainly feel that way – it’s the science of success at work with you.

How Do I Customize my Card?
Customizing your card is something only you can do, but great news !!!! I am here to help if you need some guidance. You need to get your creative juices flowing and your belief system in high gear so start by visualizing your desired future. Can you see yourself living a life where you
- Have the confidence and peace of mind that comes with a specific plan, a powerful network and an inspiring idea
- Feel totally energized and focused as you step into the life you’ve been reaching for and dreaming of
- Excel with your finances, relationship and happiness
All of this and more is possible – it’s your life – live it to the fullest and never pass up an opportunity.
Ask yourself – Am I ready to bury old patterns and beliefs RIGHT THIS MINUTE that have not served me well and move forward with my personalized Gold Goal Card by my side?

If you said “I sure am” that is great, in 20 well chosen words that will be unique to you and you alone, describe your Gold Goal and let the fun and magic begin – we will customize your Gold Goal Card with your Name on the front and back of the card, with your Gold Goal engraved on both sides.
This is how you create your Goal
It is very important that you write your goal in the present tense, “I am so happy and grateful now that….”. You see, when you do this, you are creating an image in your mind and that image is permeated into cells in your brain. Suddenly, when you hold your Gold Goal Card in your hand, a special signal sets ablaze through your central nervous system and it wakes those cells in your brain that have been permeated with the image you created when you personally designed your unique Gold Goal Card. Every time you touch it or read it or visualize it, the same message will be triggered instantly to those cells. So it is important to write EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT ON THE CARD, because as you keep reading it, you are going to start to believe it and if you keep doing this, you will realize your Gold Goal.